Second factor that should be kept in mind while segmenting the market for shampoo should be geographic location of the customer and considering various factors like climate of the city he lives in, whether it’s an urban, suburban or a rural area. Auken (2002) have tried to explain the factor which is important while doing segmentation of the market as the geographical location an individual has a great impact on his consumption habits also the place where the person lives in gives a rough idea about his income level and purchasing power and helping the company to adjust the positioning of its product assignment help in the market accordingly. Also the climate of the region affects the sale of the product assignment help this is more elaborated by Ziethmal & Bitner (2003)
Ziethmal & Bitner (2003) both of them have tried to explain the third factor that has an impact on the buying behavior of a customer is his psychological factors that include his lifestyle, opinions, interests, personality traits and self-image. This kind of segmentation should be done in order to understand the attitudes, psychology and lifestyles of the customers. Such study can be benefited by conducting surveys and to ask customers about their likes and dislikes and to interpret the result thereof.
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